Minor Stuff · Uncategorized


Meese rock.

Alan’s this weekend. This is the plan.

Thursday: leave at 8pm. (yes, I’m running a tad late)

Friday: 11am hair appointment (cut and highlighted, want it to look like this). Possibly Renee is coming down (being driven by VICKI, YOU ROCK, because she had a doctors appointment at 9am). Possibly Alexander’s Steak House (Mr. Flow made reservations, but I don’t know for how many people). Drinks.

Saturday: Sleep in. Wake up Alan by hitting him in the head with something blunt and asking him oh so politely to make me pancakes/eggs/bacon/sausage etc. Probably go grocery shopping.

Sunday: Sleep in, again. Dance the funky chicken with my homies. Leave at around 9 or 10.

Feeling: Need a back massage.

Listening to: Kelly Clarkson (shut it!) – Since ‘U’ Been Gone

One thought on “OMGAMOOSE

  1. the plural of moose is actually… moose. like deer and deer… pretty boring i think. thus… I go with Mooses. many many mooses… has a nice ring to it don’t ya think? hehe 🙂 hope your holidays went splendidly! -Katy

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