Minor Stuff · Uncategorized

Huzzahs to Alan & Co.

     Alan and his friends got second place in Puzzlehack. Good job guys!

     Friday at work I did a lot of stuff that I wasn’t particularly crazy about. Part of it was that none of what I did was expected. Since it’s Friday, I expected to be doing spiffs, but we didn’t. I don’t know why Lori didn’t work on them with me or anything, but I think she blamed it on me not having a printer. I don’t really get it, but whatever.

     Today I woke up way too early. I started on Leela’s eye (since the boots, communicator and wig are completed), and it’s going pretty well. I’ll work on it some more during the Bears game tomorrow.

     Jen and Nicole came by and we went to Applebees for dinner. Jen and I taught Nicole how to crochet, and she started on a scarf. She’s really excited about it, because now she has something to do on the train to work. After that we went to Fridays and saw Renee, Michelle & Kelly. We caught the end of the Red Sox/Cardinals game (go Red Sox, it’s so nice that they’re finally winning). After that we went home. I am tired so I’m going to bed.

Feeling: Worn Out.

Listening to: My Fish